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Chapter 9: The Two Adventurers

The next day.
When I went to the meeting place for the request, there was Sister-san and two adventurers.
Apparently, she hired two adventurers as escorts besides me.
It's only natural to be in a party since we are going to a dangerous underground waterway.

"Good morning!"

As soon as I greeted them, Sister-san and the male adventurer turned towards me.
As soon as they turn to me, they give me a nod.
However, the female adventurer seemed to be in a bad mood.
She looks at me like she's appraising my value.

"Let me do the introduction. These people are Nino-san and Rouga-san. They are adventurers who always accepts my requests and I am indebted to, and they are both B rank adventurers."
"I'm Rouga, please take care of me."
"I'm Sieg, please take care of me as well."

I then shook hands with Rouga-san.
It's a person with an atmosphere like an old-fashioned strong old man, and it feels like he's a quite good person.
His body is quite large with muscular ridges, but the feeling of intimidation is not so great.
It's kind of like an uncle who seems to be reliable.

"I'm Nino. Nice to meet you."

Nino-san holds out my hand with a terribly blunt gesture.
Oh, I ... Did I do something for this girl to hate me?
The unforgiving look makes me wince.
Do I smell like an old person?
While I'm confused, Rouga-san says with a laugh.

"Hahaha! Nino is just jealous of you."

I'm still a low ranked adventurer, but to attract a B rank adventurer?
I shouldn't have achieved that much yet.

"This girl has been a fan of Kurta-chan for a long time. She has offered to party with Kurta-chan many times, but Kurta-chan somehow keeps evading the subject. You appear there and Kurta-chan invites you to party with her.  That's why she doesn't like it."
"I see ... but that's a perfect example of venting one's anger on another person, isn't it?"
"Well, that's right. Nino, I don't know how you feel, but please become an adult."
"... I don't like what I don't like, but I'm also a professional adventurer. Please be rest assured that I'll work properly."

Nino-san tells us in a cold and emotionless tone.
She says she will work together with us, but it seems like it'll be quite difficult for us to get along.
I've heard that there are adventurers who are jealous of me, but I never though I'll meet them in such a place.
Unexpectedly, it somehow became troublesome.

"Don't worry about it. She's just a kid, you're not a bad person."
"It's rude to say I'm a kid. Even Rouga was in a bad mood when the receptionist you was aiming for had a boyfriend."
"... Don't bring up old stories."
"It was only three months ago, right?"

Two people continue to interact with Yaiyai for a while after that.
Nino-san, who is still in her late teens, and Rouga-san, who is in his mid-forties.
The pair has an age relation like child and parent, but they seem to be on good terms.
Even if they are quarreling, it somehow looks kind of heartwarming.

"Let's leave it at there, it's about time to leave. Please follow me."

Sister-san claps her hands and makes them stop the quarrelling.
She leads us as it is and walks towards the city barrier.
After we keep walking for about 15 minutes.
We reach the entrance to the underground waterway at the end of the alley.

"It's a very big door."
"It seems that a criminal organization had used this underground waterway as a base castle before. Since then, security has been tightened to prevent that from happening."

There was thick iron door at the entrance.
As soon as Sister-san opened it, a lukewarm wind blew up.
Everyone's face becomes grim as it feels like it clings to the body.
The wind seemed to contain miasma, albeit very slightly.

"This is quite bad. To think the miasma has spread even to this place."
"Just what could be the cause...?"
"Sieg-san, it might be quite fast but can I ask for a Sanctuary?"

Immediately I hold my palm up and cast the spell.
From this feeling, I don't know what's waiting in the back of the waterway.
Just in case, let's build a powerful sanctuary with a lot of magical power.
Immediately a white light is generated, covering us four like a veil.

"Oh, the sanctuary is so visible...! A sanctuary with such a high density is quite difficult even for high-ranking priests!"
"Well, that's reliable."
“………… It seems that he's not just a ordinary person.”

Sister-san and Rouga-san are impressed.
On the other hand, Nino-san had a terrible frustrated look.
When she looks at me as it is, she looks like she has exposed her opposition.
It's not like I meant to do anything to make her inspire me...
It may be more difficult to get along with Nino-san than I expected.

"Now, since we are ready, let's go!"

Sister-san who lights the lamp and steps into the aisle.
The three of us follow, guided by the light.
What exactly is happening beyond this eerie darkness?
Thinking about the true nature of the incident, I went down the stairs to the basement.
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