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Chapter 17: The Request Worth 20 Million Gold

"That's why... how much does this sword cost?"

When I put back the sword in the scabbard that was handed over, I ask about the price of the sword.
Not only does it use precious iron meteorite as a material, but it is also a masterpiece.
Berg-san himself is a top-notch craftsman, and I think it will be worth a considerable amount of money.
For the time being, I have about 10 million gold at hand...
As expected, I'm feeling a little uneasy.

"Well, first of all, it costs 10 million just to make a successful bid for the meteorite."
"In addition, I used a lot of expensive flame crystals to melt it. My own labor cost was one month..."

Berg-san starts calculating while murmuring.
It's okay to make it, but it seems that it was something that has been left behind, and it looks like he didn't even think about the selling price.
...... If Aeria-neesan was here, neesan would be angry that the basics aren't properly being followed.

"Okay, about 30 million."
"30 million!?"

Not only me, but also Rouga-san and Nino-san rasied our voices together
30 million is the price to build a house in the city!
Considering the materials used and the skill of the blacksmith, I think it's a reasonable amount of money...
As expected, I am a little tight on the gold.
Even if you succeed as an adventurer, when will you be able to make such money?
Something like a dragon material isn't something you can easily get as well.

"Hmm... As expected, that's a lot of money..."
"Even if you look to the future, it will be quite difficult to prepare such a large amount."
"Right, how much do you have now?"

How should I answer this?
Is the best option to be honest without lying for bargaining?
I think Aeria-neesan also said that the basics of business are being honest.

"It's about 10 million."
"I see. Then, if you meet the conditions, I can sell the sword for you for that amount."
"Oh, that's because I was in trouble because I couldn't find a buyer at all. When it comes to a sword that's this heavy, very few people can master it. And the more powerful the person, the more he likes big weapons."

Oh, is it like that?
I don't think it has much to do with the size of the weapon when you make a slash...
Rather, I feel that there are quite a few cases where handling such a big sword is troublesome.

"Understood. If you can sell this for 10 million, I'll buy it!"
"Yeah, the business talk is finished!"
"... So what are the conditions? If it's too unreasonable... that... I'll be a bit troubled."

After all, it is a discount of 20 million gold at one time.
Is it a very tough requirement?
As expected, I'll be in trouble if I had to sell my body or something like that.
Then Berg-san, who seems to be have sensed my worries, says with a big laugh.

"Well, it's not a tough request! You just have to fulfill the request I make and show me that you have the ability to be the owner of this sword."
"Is it like that.... But is it really okay to discount 20 million for such a quest?"
"Of course! Weapons are best wielded by someone who can handle them properly. It is a weapon that hadn't been sold for a long time, I'm not worried about it."

When I say that, Berg-san puts his hand on his waist again and laughs.
Seems like there is a good story to be heard.
That's probably why Berg-san usually earns money.
If you look very closely, his back teeth are mixed with gold teeth.

"What is the content of the request?"
"Collect the shells of Rock Titus. It's a material used as a whetstone, but the supply is unstable these days. I want to secure it all together."
"Rock Titus is a B-rank monster, which is close to an A rank. It is a monster that is difficult to subdue if you are a swordsman because it has a very high defense power."

Nino-san gives a smooth explanation.
If I had to add to that, Rock Titus is a giant turtle.
...... I see, that is a good opponent to test the sword on.
It's a monster that can't be cut without mastering the sword.
It might be a little too easy considering that you can get a discount of 20 million.

"You are well informed, young lady. But if you can't do this much, you can't say that you're worthy of the sword."
"Right, I'll do my best!"
"Okay, let's give it to the guild as a formal request. Until the request is fulfilled, the sword is tentatively lent out to you."
"Thank you!"

I shook hands with Berg-san and bowed deeply.
Well, I didn't think I can get such a good sword.
The price was really high, but I think I was able to make a good purchase.
When I was taking a breather in this way, Nino-san and Rouga-san started talking in return.

"... If you want to subdue Rock Titus, you still need a shuriken. Is there any in this store?"
"Oh, then it's on the shelf there."
"Then, can I ask for a shield to stop the turtle. Can I strengthen this shield with 200,000?"
"I'll accept the request. It's a special fee."
"Th- that!!"

If I left it alone, I felt like they would not stop talking and continue endlessly.
And so I say to Nino-san and Rouga-san while looking closely at them.

"Is it already decided that both of you will be taking the quest with me?"
"Oh, right?"
"Because we're not a party yet. We can help..."

Since the investigation of the underground waterway has been completed, there is nothing to bind us together.
Yes, the three of us now are not a gathering of anything.
It's just that I followed because my acquaintance went shopping.

"Don't act like we're strangers! It's an adventurer's duty to silently help each other when in trouble!"
"... I'm reluctant, but I need to monitor you so that you don't get too close to Kurta. And Rock Titus-related requests are definitely treated as B rank. If you don't party with us, it should be difficult to even accept it. "

The rank of the party is matched to the one with the highest rank among the adventurers who belong to it.
For example, if both of them and I team up, it will be treated as B rank.

"Both of you...! Thank you, thank you!"

I thank them many times.
In this way, the three of us headed for the subjugation of Rock Titus as a party again.
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