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Chapter 7: The Secret Technique of Cleaning

"Well... it's pretty big."

A church standing on the outskirt of the town.
It is a stone building with a large cross on the rooftop.
Holy Cross cult.
It is the largest religious organization on the continent, where Fam-neechan is a saint.
As it is large in scale, their church is also magnificent looking.

"Hello. Are you perhaps the person who has come to do the cleaning?"

As soon as I entered the chapel, a woman in a monastic habit called out.
She has a calm demeanor like a priestess, but her skin looks bright and young.
She looks like she's almost 20 years old.

"Yes. I'm Sieg, I've been asked to clean the graveyard."
"Is that so, then pleased to work with you. Since the grave is behind the church, please go through here."

Taken by Sister-san, takes us out from the chapel to the back of the church.
Then, there was a fairly large graveyard.
Countless tombstones line up along the outer walls of the city.

"Oh ... it's wide."
"There are many adventurers in this city. Many people are killed by all means."

Raja is known as a holy land for adventurers.
While some people grab a dream and are called heroes, many also die.
I felt like I had a glimpse of the negative side of the adventurer's city.

"Usually, me and the other sisters do the cleaning, but it's hard to get around if it's this wide. That's why we regularly request for adventurers."
"I see. If it were this wide, I imagine it would be so."

Even at a quick glance, there are hundreds of graves.
I don't think it can be managed by Sister-sans themselves.

"The cleaning tools are in the hut there, so please use them as you like."
"And it's good manners to pray before cleaning the tombstones. Do you know how to do it?"
"Yes, of course."

About that, Fam-neechan has throughly ingrained in me.
My neesan, who was always calm, was tough when it comes to courtesy and prayer.
Thanks to that, there is no doubt about that.

"So, then I'll go and pray in the chapel. When the church bell rings, finish the work and please head back"

Sister-san returns after a light bow.
Well, I have to work hard!
The church bell rings shortly before sunset.
By then, cleaning a graveyard of this size would be quite laborious.

"It would take too long to do it manually by hand. Should I clean it by using magic?"

If you draw a triangle and a cross in the air with your right hand, you will immediately activate light magic.
White light shined down, and the dirt on the tombstone immediately disappeared.
Light attribute magic, "Blanche".
Originally it is used to purify undead monsters, but in fact it can be used in this way.
It's the wisdom of life that Fam-neesan has taught me.

"Huh ...! Somehow I managed to finish it."

It takes several hours to continue purifying the tombstones.
The cleaning of the graveyard was finished when the sun was completely tilted and the sky became madder red.
I managed to clean everything before the bell rang.
A group of shining tombstones with all the dirt gone.
Seeing them so fantastically cleaned, I nod satisfactorily.

Well, it indeed feels much better to keep things clean!
I have to get Sister-san to see it as soon as possible.
Immediately, I entered the chapel where Sister-san was through the back door.

"Sister, I've finished the cleaning!"
"Huh? The bell shouldn't have ringed yet..."

When I called out, Sister-san looked at me suspiciously.
And when she looks at the big clock hanging on the wall, she tells him to finish it till the end.

"Isn't there about 30 minutes left? Please do it to the end."
"No, I came to report because it was all done."

Hmm, I don't think the story fits.
I think it's better if she sees it for herself.
I take the reluctant Sister-san, a little forcibly to the graveyard.

"... Eh, Ehhh!?"

A flock of tombstones shining in the setting sun.
As soon as she saw it, Sister-san's face changed completely.
She rubs her eyes many times to doubt the reality and opens her mouth with a deep surprise.

"What does this mean ...!?"
"As I said, I have cleaned everything."
"All!? Do you mean this graveyard...?"
"Yes, It was such a request."

When I said that, Sister-san shook her head twice.

"No, I asked you to clean it until the church bell rings. By then, I thought it would be good if at most one-fifth of the entire graveyard was finished. But..."
"Eh!? Wasn't it cleaning all of it before the bell rang?"
"No! It is normally impossible to clean such a large graveyard in a day! I was planning on have it all cleaned in about a week."

Are, are? I wonder if it was a complete misunderstanding on my part.
No wonder, the story didn't make sense.

"But you were able to do it so well. It's so smooth that you can see your face."
"Yes, I used magic."
"It can't be so beautiful, even if you wash it off using water magic?"
"I purified it with light magic, not water magic. It's an application of Blanche."

Sister-san suddenly makes a loud voice.
When she looks over the entire graveyard again, she quivered.

"Oh, did you apply that Blanche on all the tombstones in this graveyard?"
"Yes, well."
"I can't believe it! Thank you, thank you!"

Sister who takes my hand and expresses gratitude with tremendous momentum.
Oh, that ... is it weird ...?
I've heard that Blanche is the basic of the basics magic that any priest can use.
Was my sister's knowledge wrong?

"Thank you.The feeling of gratitude was fully conveyed. Yeah...!"

I encourage Sister-san, who desperately bows, to raise her head.
I'm not sure, but it seems like I have done something pretty awesome.

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