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Chapter 4: Special Test

"Are you Sieg-kun?"

The next day.

As soon as I headed to the guild to take the special test, the girl called out.

A lightly dressed swordswoman with two daggers on her waist and wearing leather armor.

"Well, you are?"

"I'm Kurta. I am the examiner who was assigned by the guild to be in charge of your test."

"Is that so……"

Being an examiner should mean that she must have considerable strength.

But appearance wise, Kurta-san is the same as me or a little younger.

I didn't expect this situation...

"Mu, what is that face? Do you doubt my ability?"

"...I don't mean that, but that you sure look young."

"Kurta-san is a rare A-rank adventurer in this Raja branch! Although she is young, when it comes to her ability, it’s guaranteed!"

The receptionist-san made a follow-up immediately.

Kurta-san puffs her chest when she introduces her.

This feeling of self-confidence, it looks a bit like Ciel-neesan.

Speaking of which, what are you doing now, neechans?

Are you looking for me?

"It's somehow careless, right?"

"Ah, sorry."

"From my point of view, you're more suspicious. I don't feel confident, and I don't feel the strong spirit of the strong man."

Spirit, huh...

Well, I'm still skeptical whether I'm really strong.

About three years since I started practicing swordsman, I was said to be incompetent almost every day.

I can't believe my ability so quickly.

"The test will take place in the guild's underground training ground. I'll be there so please follow me."

Guided by the receptionist-san, Kurta-san and I headed down the stairs to the training ground.

Well, it's bright and splendid even though it's underground.

The training field, which was built like an arena, was large enough to accommodate a dragon.

"Now, both of you, please take the weapons for practice battle."

On the edge of the training ground were several types of wooden weapons.

Among them, I chose a sword and Kurta-san took a dagger.

Apparently she seems to be a dual wielder, holding a weapon in each hand.

"OK, let's get started."


"So... special test, start!"

Kurta and I ready our stance against each other in response to the receptionist's signal.

Hmm... it's a pretty normal stance.

However, it has a lot of gaps when compared to Liza-neesan.

I was wasry when I heard that it was an A ranker, but is it about this much?


Lower your posture and jump straight ahead.

One flash.

The tip of the sword broke the atmosphere, creating a vacuum blade.

Kurta-san looks at it and immediately her eyes widened.

"It can’t be!?"

Kurta-san jumped away to get away and barely avoided slashing.

Is this a rare technique?

Liza-neesan said, "It's the basic skill of a swordsman."

Kurta-san, who looked so surprised, made me surprised as well.

"Flying... It's the secret of Kensei. Where did you learn this?"

"Um, in the dojo of the city."

"It shouldn't be a technique that can be taught in such a place. Well, since this is the case, I should be more serious."

When you say so, Kurta-san put a dagger on the ground.

Is this... Maybe it's the rumoured swordless style?

If you look carefully, you can see that magic power is being concentrated in Kurta-san's hand.

It seems that he intends to fight with magical blades instead of physical blades.

"With a wooden dagger, the magical power is bad. It's better if I don’t use it."

"Ahhh... Kurta-san, that’s overkill! The special test is just to see the power, you don't really fight!"

"It’s Okay, I won’t hurt him."

As soon as that happened, Kurta jumped in here with a fluttering movement.

Irregular movements that take advantage of the softness of the body.

It was quick and difficult to read.

Kurta-san seems to be a type specializing in interpersonal games.

However, it is still inferior to Liza-neesan.

The attack of that person is basically invisible.

The blade has already arrived at the moment you recognize that you have pulled out your sword.

For me, who has been asked to respond to it, it is not a threat when it is visible.



The sword is applied to the approaching arms alternately to deviate from the trajectory.

When Kurta-san's position collapsed, she rotated her body half a turn.

One shot towards her back as it is.

Kuruta, who became a shrimp, exhales as he struggles with "Kaha!"


"...I give up. It’s my loss."

Kurta-san who was about to fall on her knees.

She has a somewhat regrettable tone, yet declares in a refreshing tone.

Immediately, the receptionist acting as a referee makes a stern look.

"Won!? The newcomer has won against the A rank! What should I do? This is unprecedented!

"Calm down, calm down!"

"Hah! Anyway, I’ll call the master!"

Before we stopped, the receptionist flew away to call Abelto-san.

Kurta-san and I are left behind and look at each other’s face.

"Oh my god, I'm in trouble with her restlessness."

"Is it always like that?"

"Well yeah, but more than that, the problem..."

When she says so, Kurta-san is getting closer and closer.

What is it?

I was a little bit overwhelmed by her presence that was a little different from the one I mentioned earlier.

"Well...! If I were someone or something like that, wouldn't it be answered?"

"It's not that kind of thing. It's just that."

Kurta-san, who acts friendly with me, I can’t help but be wary.

I wonder what this atmosphere is, I have felt it from my neechans before!

While I'm being vigilant, Kurta-san says with a naughty laugh.

"Would you like to form a party with me?"


I couldn't help but reply to unexpected words.
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