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Chapter 15: Battle of the Sword Saintess Liza

When Noah, also known as Sieg, and his friends were shopping under the guidance of Rouga.
Sword Saintes Liza was called by the king and was visiting the castle.
She tried to refuse because she was busy searching for her younger brother, but she certainly couldn't refuse it, since it was a royal order.
She had to reluctantly visit the castle while suppressing the moody appearance on her face.

"Sword Saintess Liza, thanks for visiting."
"Yes! If it's a king's order, I'll come and visit anytime."
"Hmm, sorry to trouble you. Well, there's something I want you to see today."

What exactly is it?
Just the other day, he had just shown a rare cat from the South that he had requested from a trader.
If I was called for bragging about something, it's not the time for that.
Liza wants to complain, but she keeps it in her stomach.

It's been almost a month since Noah left home.
In the meantime, I tried to collect information by tracing the messengers here and there.
So far, I haven't got any clues.
Thanks to that, Liza's mental state is not stable and she is unable to show a flattering expression.
In any case, even in front of the king, she couldn't suppress her bad mood.

"Hmm? Did something happen?"
"No, there's no such a thing."
"Well, then, that's fine. I was going to get you to move a little today."
"... Oh?"
"If you look at it you'll understand it, follow me."

The king stood up from the throne and started walking with his entourage.
Following him, Liza moved to the army training facility inside the castle.
About 100 guard knights are permanent residents in the castle's army training facility.
The army training facility, designed to allow them to fully train, is fairly spacious.
In the center of it was an unfamiliar object.
It looks like a metal golem, but it has a thin tube all over its body.

"Liza, do you know what that is?"
"Is it a golem?"
"That's right. But it's not just a golem. It's an artifact excavated from ancient ruins, with built-in ancient weapons."

When I heard that it was an artifact, Liza's attention to the golem increased a little.
If that's true, that golem's value should be pricelss.
She had been shown rare treasures by the king, but this was the first time he's shown an artifact.

"Let me see, Maglev. Move this guy right away."
"Ye-Yes! Understood."

A mage-like man in a robe stepped out in front of the king.
When he swings his cane up with a big gesture, the golem stands up accordingly.
Is the height of the body of the golem roughly 3 meters?
Its appearance, whose whole body is made of metal, is just like a steel knight.
It is a wonderful brave figure that you can understand why the king is proud of it.

"It's too early to be surprised. Maglev, use that!"

At the command of the king, Maglev swings his cane up.
Immediately, an object that looks like a bundle of cylinders pops out from the belly of the golem.

"Awe-, awesome!"

--Dada Dada Dada Dada! !!
A plosive sound that echoes lightly.
At the same time, the training dolls on the edge of the assault course disappeared without a trace.
In addition, innumerable holes are instantly created in the wall behind it.
If a human were standing there, it would be overwhelmingly dusty.
The aristocrats and knights who accompanied the king all screamed in amazement.

"Are you surprised? This is an ancient weapon called the Gatling gun. It seems that the explosive magical power of the cylinder will release 200 small iron gravel per minute."
"That's a big deal. I've heard rumors, but I've never seen anything in motion."
"That's right, that's right! Even though it's widespread in the world, there are almost no ancient weapons in such good condition!... Therefore, Liza, would you like to fight against it? "
"What did you say?"

Liza's reaction was a little delayed to the king who asked with excitement.
The story was suddenly cut out, and she was surprised as expected.
Maglev, who was watching it, immediately laughed and said.

"King, no matter how strong she is! There is no way you can beat this golem with a sword."
"Is that right? Even if Liza is a Sword Saintess?"
"This golem is a weapon made by combining ancient wisdom. You can't win against this with a primitive weapon like a sword."
"Maglev-dono, I can't accept that."

Facing the criticisms, Liza expressed her discomfort.
Maglev then says carefreely, looking at the golem.

"If so, would you fight? With that golem?"
"Yes, that's okay."

This time, the king and Maglev were more surprised at the response without hesitation.
The tried to talk about it, but they didn't expect her to actually accept the match.

"Can you do it?"
"But is that okay? That golem can only hear simple commands, so it's not easy to hold back..."
"No need at all. Please move with all your might."
"... I hope you don't regret it."

Maglev clasps a cane and makes a stuffy face.
While doing so, Liza moved in front of the golem.
Withdrawing her sword.
The forged steel glows white in the sunlight.

"King, can I ask you one wish if I win the battle?"
"What is it? Why don't you tell me?"
"My younger brother has been missing for about a month. I'm busy looking for him, so please give me some time to look for him."
"I understand. I promise."

Liza nods satisfactorily to the response from the king.
She once again held her sword, aiming at the eyes with her sword.
The atmosphere of the place suddenly changed.
The aristocrats and knights who had been making noise earlier also calm down as if they had hit the water.
The king who sensed the change immediately raised his right hand and declared.

"The match, begin!"

--Dada Dada Dada Dada! !!
A plosive sound that echoes again.
Hundreds of gravel popping out of the golem's belly mercilessly aims at Liza.
An iron storm that will easily crush the human body if even one shot was taken.
But in the next moment, Liza's mouth smiled.

"Hey... she's slashing!"

--Kinkinkinkinkin! !!
Scattering sword sparks, reverberating slashing sounds.
The sword, swung at an invisible speed, protects Liza's body like a barrier.
Hundreds of iron gravel were all repelled by this and scattered as sparks.

"I can't, I can't believe it...! Is she really a human!?"
"It's about time for me to attack."
"Ku! Golem, crush her! Your body which is made of Mithril, cannot be easily cut."

Liza ran before Maglev could finish speaking.
A blade that flashes and cuts through the air.
Immediately after that, a fierce spark rose from the golem's body.
Furthermore, the high-pitched sound that tears the steel echoes, and the giant body breaks apart vertically.
The metal golem became two parts and fell to the ground.

"Oh, oh...!!"
"Is this the height of swordsmanship!"
"Ancient wisdom... the ultimate weapon...! To think it would break!"
"Now, let's keep our promise. Please excuse me."

Liza leaves the scene, with the king and other aristocrats roaring in a dramatic fashion towards the result of the match .
It wasn't long before she received an urgent call from the Adventurers's Guild.
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