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Chapter 18: Underground Waterway Investigation Team

The way back from Berg-san's workshop.
The three of us immediately stopped by the guild and applied to become a party.
This is to receive the request to subdue Rock Titus together.
There was no problem even if I submitted the application tomorrow, when I am about to accept the request but.
Normally, guilds are crowded in the morning.

"There is nothing lacking... I understand."

After checking the documents, the receptionist-san smiled in a good mood.
I wonder, if something good happened.
Her smile looks brighter than usual.

"You look really happy. What happened?"
"Do you understand? I've got rid of my concerns and I think I'll be able to sleep a lot tonight. About six hours!"

Hey, six hours...
I think it's a little short, but is it just my imagination?
I think humans should sleep for about eight hours a day or something like that...
Well, I won't say anything because she looks so happy.
The Adventurers's Guild has long business hours and a lot of work, so I'm sure it must be difficult.

"Speaking of concerns... is it the underground waterway?"

Rouga-san asks while lowering his voice.
Then the receptionist nodded, murmuring a little, "Yes, well."

"The arrangements for the investigation team have been completed. Excellent A-rank adventurers have gathered."

"Yeah, I'll be there too."
"Eh, Kurta-san...!?"

Before I knew it, Kurta-san was standing behind us.
She smiles with a mischievous smile and approaches us.

"Kurta-san! Did you hear that?"
"Well yeah, isn't that bad, isn't the investigation team unannounced?"
"No, this is the party that discovered the monster."

To be exact, the receptionist-san adds that there was another person.
When Kurta heard that, she looked at my face and nodded as if she was convinced.

"Hmm. When I heard that a newcomer did it, I thought maybe... it really was you."
"Haha... it seems that you were expecting it."
"Rather than expectation, is it anxiety? I thought you would definitely cause an incident."

Anxiety... Do I look so dangerous?
Even in this case, I'm the first discoverer.
I didn't cause an incident.

"More than that, Onee-sama! Is it true that you are joining the investigation team!?"

Suddenly, Nino-san intervened between Kurta-san and me.
With that momentum, I can't think of Nino-san as always the cool-minded person.
Now that you mention it, Nino-san did tell me she was a fan of Kurta-san when I first met her...

"Oh, that's right."
"Please be careful. I think there is a very dangerous monster in the back of that underground waterway. Should something happen to Onee-sama I would--"
"It's okay, even though I'm like this I'm still an A-rank adventurer. It's not easy for me to come in harm's way."
"Of course I know, but the threat of the being in the underground waterway is unclear."
"I know, I know, but this time I think I have some fate with it. I really want to go."

Kurta-san's face suddenly became serious.
The atmosphere is quite serious, as the laid-back signs have disappeared.
Speaking of which, the receptionist said something about Kurta-san before.
Is it related to that?

"Fate, is it...?"
"Well it's a common story. I've been chasing after a certain demon who has destroyed my hometown for a long time. That magic is the puppet magic."
"I see. So when I heard about this incident, I thought it might have something to do with that demon."
"Oh, but there are many demons who deal with puppet magic. It may be not be that demon."

While saying so by her mouth, Kurta-san's eyes were full of conviction.
Should it be called an adventurer's intuition?
I'm not sure why, but there seems to be something enough to believe in the relevance.

"... If that's the case, please take this."

I took out a palm-sized pouch from my pocket and presented it to Kurta-san.
Immediately she squints her eyes with interest.

"What is this?"
"It's a talisman. Light magic is put in the magic stone inside. It prevents miasma, though a little."
"Oh, that's pretty convenient."
"Isn't it nice of Sieg? Onee-sama, please take it with you!"

When I said that, for some reason Nino-san suddenly took the talisman.
Then, after muttering something like a spell, she hand it over to Kurta-san again.
...... You've obviously done something right now, right?
I felt something like a fluctuation of magical power, though only slightly.

"... Nino, did you do anything right now?"
"Wh-, What are you talking about? Rouga. I didn't do anything!"
"I don't mind. Nino won't do anything bad to me."

When she said that and laughed, Kurta-san kept the amulet in her pocket.
And then after raise her hand and saying, "See you", she walks away as it is.

"Well, shall we go home?"
"Yeah, let's go home early and prepare for tomorrow."
"But will the investigation team be alright? I hope nothing happens..."
"Onee-sama is there. I'm sure it will work out no matter what."

Nino-san makes a clear statement as how much she trusts Kurta-san.
Well, there's nothing we can do here.
At best, what we can do is be successful in our own work.
In this way, we returned to the inn for the time being in preparation for tomorrow's request.
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