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Chapter 6: The 1st Meeting of the Sisters

Around the time when Noah, Sieg, was accepting the request of the church.

At his home in the Kingdom of Winster, his sisters were gathered together.

It is the first time in about a year that all five busy people have gathered.

It is a day when the sisters should have a water like peaceful atmosphere.

But today, there was a tempest raging there.

"What are you people doing while I am away?"

A girl barking with curly gold hair.

Her name is Aelia.

The eldest daughter of five sisters, she is the young president who leads Fiore, one of the largest trading companies on the continent.

Today, she has come back home after a long time taking a rare break from work.

Liza and Ciel, who were left at home, told her that her brother, Noah, had run away.

For her, it was like a bolt from blue.

"Ciel, why didn't you just stop Noah!? Worst of all, you could have restrained him by magic!"

"It's possible, but I don't want to do that to Noah! Neechan says it simply, but if a single mistake was to be made doing that magic, it would be very dangerous!"

"Then, you mean it's not dangerous for Noah to go out!? That cute Noah may have been attacked by monsters and villains by now!"

"...Now, now, let's settle down for both of us! There is no benefit in arguing between us sisters!"

A girl in a white monastic habit, breaks in between Aelia and Ciel.

Her name is Fam.

She is the third sister of the five sisters and is a saint of the Holy Cross cult which is spread across the continent.

"Noah's runaway is a big crisis! But that's why we five must unite and overcome this. Hero Helios once compared three sons to arrows--"

"Long. Because it makes me sleepy, I want to pass on hearing that."

A blue-haired girl, who forcibly cut off the long story of Fam, with a carefree appearance.

Her name is Ecclesia.

She is the fifth daughter of five sisters and one of the most famous magician on the continent.

"In Ecclesia’s point of view, the sisters are too strict. It can’t be helped that Noah escaped."

"Don't you agree with me on this?"

"Yes! When the father and mother died, it was an educational policy decided by all five consultants!"

"I'm also distressed, but it's also to make Noah stronger..."

"Yes, but there are limits."

Then Ecclesia looked at Liza with a quick glance.

Liza, who was facing the accusing gaze, immediately leans forward and replies.

"It, it’s not like I like hurting Noah! Actually, I wanted to teach him step by step, gently and politely! I wanted to praise him for doing it well! But if I do that he can’t become truly strong. The most important thing in fighting is guts! Only through hard and tough training can you gain a formidable spirit!”

Liza raises her fist and gives a passionate speech.

However, Ecclesia, who was looking at it, knits her eyebrows.

"It has come out, Liza’s brain muscle theory."

"What do you mean by the brain muscle, what is the brain muscle! Even if so, you are not a very smart person!"

"It's better than Liza’s. I can say all the multiplication tables."

"Oh, I can also do it if I take the time...!"

"Then, what about nine x three?"


"... stop these low-level fights! Both are fifty of one and half a hundred of other."

Aelia murmured as if amazed.

Perhaps they became embarrassed, they stopped fighting immediately.

In terms of intelligence, it is not possible to reach Aelia's feet even if the two are combined.

"Anyway, finding Noah's whereabouts is our top priority right now."

"Yes, we have to find him as soon as possible."

"I don't think we need to wonder if Noah's ability is good or not. He'll survive even if a dragon attacks him."

"Yeah. I've thoroughly taught him about magic, so I wouldn't care about him being alive. Rather than that, what’s worrying me is..."

Ciel suddenly makes a serious look and finds it difficult to continue.

Immediately, four eyes gathered at her.

In a hurry, Ciel swallows and makes a ‘gokun’ sound.

"Noah may be successful and may be popular!"

For a moment, the air inside the room froze.

The four quickly petrify and lose their words.

After a few seconds of silence.

After understanding the situation, Aelia shouted out loud.

"No, I can't allow it! Only us sisters are good women to approach Noah! Other than that, with or without possessing other things!"

"Yes! If Noah had a girlfriend... God, save me!"

"Mu...I don't accept other women, I definitely don't!"

"Decisive refusal, no excuse!"

Ah, the sisters are making a lot of noise.

They never tell him, but their love for Noah is not half-heartened.

If they decide it is necessary, they won’t hesitate to give everything up.

"You need to hurry to avoid that."

"Then, I will return to the company immediately and give instructions. Each of you, let's start by collecting information!"

"Okay. God, please guide me..."

"I have to be careful and do something about it."

"I will go out immediately after taking a break."

Sisters who reply in groups of twos and threes.

Finally, Aelia summarises the situation for the time being.

"As soon as we have more time, let's get together with five people. Until we find Noah, if possible, I would like to exchange information, once every week."

"I think that's good, but will Aelia-neechan be alright?"

The busiest of the sisters is Aelia, who leads such a big company.

The schedule is minute-by-minute, and it should be quite difficult to get a set time even if it is once a week.

After all, even nobles have to wait for months to visit because of their busy schedule.

"I'm fine. If it's for Noah, I'll do whatever I want."

"As expected. Then until next week again."

"I hope I can find him by then ..."

"Okay. Believers will be saved."

"Whatever you can do, just do it."

In this way, the five began to move in earnest to find Noah.
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