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Chapter 14: The Secret of Strength

"This sure is a lively place...!"

The next day.
Nino-san and me were walking east of the city under the guidance of Rouga-san.
In the corner of the city where the workshops are lined up, you can hear the sound of hammers and mallets from all over.
The sparks that burst in the back of the workshop were clearly visible as we walked down the road.

"You can feel the heat. It's a little hot."
"That's because there are so many workshops here in the city. There are about 100 workshops."
"Hundred! So much!"
"Adventurers from all over the continent gather in this city. Some materials are produced from the border forest, so it is natural for craftsmen to gather."

I see, there is demand and there is supply of materials.
Then it is understandable that craftsmen gather.

"From here, the country where the dwarves live is also nearby."
"I've never seen a dwarf."
"Then it's just right. The craftsman I'm asking from now on is also a dwarf."
"Oh ...!"

Speaking of dwarves, a race with dexterous arms that specializes in blacksmithing.
Most of the legendary weapons used by the heroes are said to have been made by their hands.
If I remember correctly, the sword that Liza-neesan had was also made by dwarves.

"It's a little difficult old man. His arm is the best in this town."
"If Rouga says that much, it looks promising."
"Yes, I'm looking forward to it...!"

After all, powerful armor is a romance.
Besides, good adventurers should have good weapons to protect themselves.

"Oh, we've arrived. It's here."
"Big! As expected of a dwarf shop!"

Eventually, Rouga-san stopped in front of a store with an splendid gate.
It is a two-story building, one size larger than the surrounding workshops.
The weapons on the wall are all beautifully decorated and looks expensive.
You can definitely get a great weapon here.

"Oh, not over there! It's over here!"

A narrow alley near the fabulous looking shop.
Rouga-san, who had been there before we knew it, called to me and Nino-san.
As we get closer, we see a small workshop at the end of the alley.
Smoke is coming out of the chimney, so for the time being, it seems that it is open...

"Could it be, this is the place?"
"It doesn't look like a place that has a master..."
"It's okay, he's definitely here"

When we were taken by Rouga-san into the workshop, the heat blew in immediately.
Wow, it's hot...!!!
Just standing up seems to make my head flutter.
As we wipe the sweat that had spurted out suddenly, a red-haired man with a beard appears from the back.

Is he the master that Rouga-san was talking about?
He looks like he's 40 years old.
He has a muscular, inverted triangular physique, and his upper arm is thick like a club.
On the other hand, he was quite short, even smaller than the petite Nino-san.

"Yo, General Berg! It sure still is a small workshop!"
"Hahaha! Our furnace has a different thermal power than other cheap ones!"
"But I still want you to give a little more pardon."
"More than that, who is this weakling and girl? Customers?"

When he said that, Berg-san looked at me and Nino-san and made a suspicious look.
We-, Weakling...!
Well, I don't have a large physique Rouga-san.
It might be a little shocking as a man to hear that.

"This is Sieg, this girl here is Nino. My friends. They might look unreliable, but they're both pretty strong. Especially Sieg, he is strong enough to knock down a Dragon Zombie."
"Oh, a Dragon Zombie! That's a big deal..."

Berg-san approaches me like Zukazuka.
He picks up my arm and begins to rub my muscles with his both hands.
What on earth?
I couldn't help but laugh at the unexpectedly tickle like feeling.

"...Wh-What are you checking?"
"I'm looking at the quality of your muscles. Hmm... the muscles has been properly trained. And it's been really looked after very carefully..."

Berg-san keeps muttering while rubbing my arm.
His eyes were serious and he seemed to be completely in his own world.

"……I see."

Then after a while.
When his arm was numb, Berg-san finally stopped observing.
He then says with a terribly serious look.

"What kind of training did you do?"
"Yes? No, it's normal sword training... like swinging a sword."
"That alone is not the case. If you do not overwork your body and recover repeatedly, you should not be in this state."

Until she officially became a saint and left home, Fam-neesan was present at the sword training.
And when I reach the limit, neesan immediately cast healing magic.
If this was a one-time event, I would have honestly thanked Fam-neesan for her kindness...
But when my limit is reached once again, it is recovered back, and then once again when the limit is reached, it is recovered back once again...
It's something that repeats like this, so on the contrary it was extremely hard for me.
It makes me feel like a monster that gets terrible many times to recover.

"Is there a reason you can think of?"
"Yeah, well.... Is, perhaps, my body in bad shape? Is it tattered because it did such crazy training?"
"No way! On the contrary, I've never seen a good muscle with such density!"

Berg-san's eyes started to shine suddenly.
He has a fascinating look on his face and begins to enthusiastically talk about muscles.

"I was confident in my muscles as a dwarf, but I can't compare it to you! It's a really praiseworthy muscle. It's a treasure, a treasure in the muscle world! It's absolutely wonderful!"
"But with that strength, a normal sword wouldn't be able to withstand it. Wait, I'll bring you the right sword for your arm right away!"

With that said, Berg-san ran with great momentum to the back of the workshop.
... What happened and why did this happen?
As we were left behind, I immediately looked at Rouga-san and Nino-san.

"... Having eyes for muscles is because of the dwarven nature."
"Yes, you don't have to worry about it... Kusu."
"Oh, Nino-san laughed! She laughed when I was in trouble!"
"I'm not laughing. This is... sneezing!"
"You don't sneeze like that!"

Nino-san and I argue that it's like that.
But a few minutes later.
The three of us were very surprised to see Berg-san's sword.
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