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Chapter 8: Undead Incident

"I can't accept this much!"

I was confused by the huge amount of compensation given by Sister-san.
There are gold coins, huh, mii ...
All in all, an astonishing 500,000 gold.
It's about 60 times the 8,000 gold that I was promised to receive at first.

"This is also not sufficient enough! I never thought there would be an adventurer who could cleanse such a large graveyard!"

Anyway, it was something I did because I wanted to do it.
It feels uncomfortable to receive such a large amount of money.
The church is very big, so it might not feel a strain on its finances just because of giving this much of compensation but...

"Actually, there have been some cases of undead happening recently."
"Eh? At that graveyard?"

In rare cases, the corpse in the graveyard may be revived as an undead.
However, that is in the case of a desolate grave.
It is limited to cases where it is left without being cared for decades, centuries, or so.
In the case of the graveyard behind this church, the sister-sans regularly maintain it.
It's unlikely that a case of undead will occur ...

"Yes. I don't know the cause, but we can't help but take measures as the church that manages the graveyard. So, when the saintess-sama goes on a pilgrimage next time, I was thinking about letting the saintess-sama visit this city."
"Sa, saintess-sama!?"

Isn't that Fam-neesan!
If my neechan comes here, she might find out that I'm here!

"Yes, but thanks to Sieg-san's purification, that is no longer necessary. In that state, most likely undead will not occur anymore."
"Wh,What ... Then it's good..."

I pat my chest as I was relieved to find out that Fam-neesan wouldn't be come here.
I'm using a pseudonym just in case, and I don't think the saintess will approach the guild but...
It's because my neechans' intuition is ridiculously sharp.
If they get close to me within a few kilometers, they could detect my whereabouts.

"So that's why you were so grateful, right?"
"Yes. When the saintess-sama visits, a lot of preparations has to be made. The church in this city is quite wealthy, but it's still a heavy burden."
"Given the cost of calling saintess-sama, 500,000 is too cheap..."

Fam-neesan herself is a person who does not like glory and respects poverty.
However, it is not possible for the saintess, who is the pinnacle of the Holy Cross cult, to go by herself.
Of course, you need an escort, and you need a minimum amount of servants.
It was said that she would stop by during the pilgrimage, but even then millions of gold would still have being spent.

"I see. I understand, if that's the case ... I'll accept 500,000 gold."
"Thank you. But where did you learn Blanche? It's something that only a limited number of people in the Holy Cross have learned..."

Is that so…….
Fam-neesan casually taught it to me and said, "A magic that is convenient to remember," so I just thought it was an easy magic.
Hmmm, how can this be deceived?
The other person is a church official, and if I say something bad, she may find out that I am a relative of the saintess.

"Well, uh ... I learned it from the village priest-sama."
"Do you mean priest-sama?"
"Yes. I heard that he used to have a quite an big position in the past. He taught me a lot."
"Is that so. Perhaps it's Fezzan-sama...? No, maybe it's Cordoba-sama..."

It seems that the person who I made up does really exist.
Sister-san puts her hand on her chin and begins to mutter.
Apparently, I was able to successfully deceive her.

"Then, I'll be leaving this place."
"Oh, wait a minute!"
"What is it?"
"You said that you learned a lot from the village priest-sama? Did you also learn the magic, Sanctuary?"

Is there some kind of trouble?
The face of Sister-san who asked was as if she was begging me.
Speaking of the magic, Sanctuary, it involves setting up a sanctuary to prevent the invasion of miasma.
Will it be involved in the undead incident that she mentioned earlier?

"Yes, I was taught... what are you going to use it for?"
"I would like you to accompany me to the investigation of the underground waterway. Recently, the concentration of miasma there has suddenly increased, so it is suspected that it is related to the undead in the graveyard... It's so vast that it's difficult to explore while preventing miasma without the magic, Sanctuary. "
"I see, so that is the case."
"Of course, the church will later make a formal request to the guild. How about a reward of 50,000 gold a day?"

50,000 a day ...!
Isn't this a pretty good condition for escorts?
Among the D rank requests that I always receive, At most I can earn between 8,000 to 10,000 gold a day.
Considering that the risk is fairly high, it is a sufficient amount.

"Then, that's okay, I'll accept it! But ... the rank may be too high. It seems that the rank is decided by the reward amount of the request, by the guild."
"Oh? Isn't Siege-san a high-ranking adventurer?"
"Ah, it's not. It's D rank."
"Eh!? Even though you can use the magic, Sanctuary, it's D rank!?"

Sister-san ended up raising her voice due to the surprise.
In the end, it took me about 20 minutes to convince her that I was D rank.
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Author's Note:

I received a fan art from 47AgDragon-sensei!

This is a rough illustration of the five sisters, thank you!

The characteristics of the sisters are very beautifully illustrated and is very wonderful!