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Chapter 22: That Which Appeared From the Basement

"Ugh! I feel sick!"

A vast graveyard behind the church.
The place, which should have been cleansed with light magic, was invaded by miasma.
What on earth and how can this happen in just a few days?
No matter how much it is a graveyard, it shouldn't be possible to get such an amount of miasma in such a short period of time...


I immediately expand the sanctuary and protect us from miasma.
Something like a white film covered the surroundings of the three of us.
The lilac-colored miasma that had been trapped in the surroundings was immediately extinguished.

"This should prevent it for a while."
"We are saved, but why is the miasma acting up again..."
"Maybe it has something to do with the waterways."
"But... oh!?"

The ground shook again.
--Don, Don!
An explosion sound similar to lightning echoes from the bottom of the earth.
Periodic and small vibrations that pushes up the ground.
As expected, this is unlikely to be an earthquake.

"Probably, I thought I'd bite my tongue."

A rotten hand stretched out from under the tombstone with an unpleasant scream.
The red-colored sky is becoming dark blue when I noticed it.
The undead who woke up with miasma were about to crawl up before the night.

"There are a lot of them...! Can Nino-san and Rouga-san collect the undead in front of me for the time being? I'll cleanse them all together with Blanche!"
"Leave it to me!"
"I'm fine with that too."

Rouga-san holding a large shield and Nino-san holding a dagger.
They took the hordes of zombies approaching and swept them in front of me.
--Blanche, Blanche!
I shoots purification magic one after another to a group of zombies that are rushing like a meat wall.
The holy light turned the unclean dead into ashes and returned to the earth.
After all, it's the lowest class zombie, albeit they are in large numbers.
Now that I have the help of the black sword, I can get rid of it all with a single purifying magic.

"If this is the case, it's going to end soon!"
"Yes, we are saved because it's only zombies."
"Hmm!? Again!"

The ground shook three times.
What is really happening here?
We tightly hold our foot on the spot and wait for the shaking to subside, but there is no sign of that.
On the contrary, it seemed that the epicenter was gradually approaching.

"Something's coming!"
"Is it a giant mole or something?"
"Such a monster shouldn't live in this area...!"
"It's here!"

The ground burst and the zombies standing on it blew away.
Intense miasma blows up at the same time.
When I moved around, I found a huge hole in the center of the graveyard.
There seems to be a considerable depth, and even if you lean forward, you cannot see the bottom.

"What is this...?"
"It looks like something broke through from below."
"This little lukewarm air... is it connected to the underground waterway?"
"It's very likely. Nino, do you remember the map of the waterway you lent me the other day?"
"Of course, it's a basic skill of ninja."
"Then, do you know where this place is on the waterway?"

Nino puts her finger on her chin and begins to think for a while.
Even though I saw the map of the waterway, I only borrowed it temporarily from Sister-san.
Is it really possible to still remember the content?
When I'm a little wondering, Nino-san makes a surprised look.

"... It's the deepest part. This place is just above the deepest part of the waterway!"
"This is finally becoming something suspicious..."

Somehow, I had a bad feeling.
As soon as I get out in front of Rouga-san, I control their movements by hand.
And one step, two steps.
I gradually took a distance from the edge of the black hole.
I didn't have any particular reason, but I felt like I should do so.


From the bottom of the hole, I heard a gruesome scream.
At the same time, a huge humanoid object with wings takes off.
A strange person who is neither a human nor a beast, covered with a glowing black outer skin.
Inside the monster's tough nails, I saw a girl-like figure.
That silver hair, could it be...!!!

"Oh, Onee-sama!?"

For some reason, Kurta-san was caught by the demon.
She seems to be completely unconscious and is being taken away without any resistance.

"Wait! Stop, stop!"

Nino-san throws her weapon at the back of the monster from one end.
But the demon wings bounced them back as if the wings were made of steel.
I threw a sword slash also, but I cannot seem to hit it.
Apparently this guy is a pretty strong monster.

"That... might be a demon!"
"A- A demon!? That thing is?"
"Oh, the characteristics match the one I saw in the Boundary Forest before."
"Let's hurry up and report to the guild! Onee-sama is, Onee-sama is...!"

Nino-san is completely confused.
Kurta-san, who Nino-san idolizes that much, was kidnapped by an unknown existence.
It is reasonable to be upset.
Rather, it may be a miracle to just be able to talk properly.

"Yes! Immediately!"
"Both of you go to contact, I'll stay here. There are still a few zombies left."
"Thank you very much. I appreciate it!"

In this way, I and Nino-san left the place to Rouga-san and ran to the guild.
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