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Chapter 5: Chore Quests

"Yes. The reward for the material is 30,000 gold!"

I receive gold coins from the receptionist and put them in my wallet.

One week from the special exam.

Passing safely, I became a D-rank adventurer.

There was a chance that I could start from a higher position because I won against Kurta-san who is an A-ranked adventurer.

It was unprecedented and I, myself, had no intention of doing it.

If I started from a high rank suddenly, it might feel unsettling for me.

It isn’t like, the only thing that matters when an adventurer fights against monsters is brute force.

"Still, are you ok with what happened?"

"If it's about the rank, it's enough to start with D. I hope I can raise it soon."

"That's true, but it's about partying up with Kurta-san!"

"...Ah, you mean that one?"

I received an invitation from Kurta-san after the match.

I thought a lot about it, but I ended up declining it.

A party with an A rank and a D rank adventurer does not look too balanced.

Besides, I don't like Kurta-san's that whirlwind feeling.

The atmosphere is somewhat similar to my neechans.

"Kurta-san is one of the most talented people in this Raja branch. It would be a very valuable opportunity to be invited by such a person!"

A receptionist-san who is angry about wasted opportunities .

I've seen her angry like this three times in the past week.

Well, I think it was a good story.

"And Kurta-san..."

The receptionist beckoned to me with a mischievous smile.

Then, I lean toward her.


"Although she looks like that, and it's amazing when she takes it off. I used to go together with her to a hot spring before, and it was quite a body. How about that, Sieg-san?"

"What are you saying suddenly..."

"A pair of men and women adventurers often have that kind of relationship. It's enough to do so... Mufufufufu!"

"Even if you say that to me, that’s not what I am after!"

I respond to a teasing receptionist with a red face.

I haven't talked to women other than my neechans for the last few years.

I'm not proud of it, but my experience with female relations is extremely low.

Even if I form such a pair, it can't lead to such a relationship.

"More importantly... I can't really trust Kurta-san."


"Because she was a person who underestimated me before the fight. Doesn’t it feel suspicious to suddenly invite me to form a party with her?"

"Well, high-ranking adventurers are proudful. And in the case of Kurta-san, there seems to be a situation where strong friends are needed..."

What do you mean by situation?

When I was about to open my mouth, the receptionist-san didn’t let me finish and immediately put her hand to cover her mouth and said, "Damn it!".

Then she slowly released her hand and smiled to deceive me.

"I'm sorry, I said something extra. Can you... act like you didn’t hear it?"

"I see. It's okay."

“Thank you. However, if you continue to decline Kurta-san's invitation, there may be another problem.”

When she said that, the receptionist-san looked around.

When she confirms that there are not many people, she speaks in a whisper.

“As I said earlier, Kurta-san is one of the strongest people in this guild. The newcomer who have just entered have refused the invitation of such a person. What about the other adventurers who saw that? What do you think will happen?”

"Ah... do you mean, jealousy?"

"That's right. You’re still attracting attention after passing the special test. You should be careful."

I see...

Until now, I was jealous of my sisters, so I can’t say I don’t know how I feel.

That feeling of being easily overtaken by a person who started after me.

I think there are things that are hard to bear.

Even so, I don't want that to have anything to do with me.

"If that's the case, why don't we accept the requests that are within the city so that I won't stand out for a while?"

"When you say "in the city”... do you mean chore requests?"

A chore request is a request to help people in the city, such as carrying luggage and helping with cleaning.

High-ranking adventurers are generally reluctant to do it because the reward is low.

"Yeah, I have plenty of money, and if I do a lot of chore requests, my reputation will improve."

"That's true... is that okay? For a D-rank adventurer to accept a chore request, it’s something that almost never happens."

"Of course. I want to get along with the people in the town."

When I said so, the receptionist took out a bunch of request forms with an amazed face.

As expected of the place called the holy land of adventurers, Raja.

Even though it's just chore requests, it has already become as thick as a dictionary.

"Wow, that's amazing...!"

"Everyone dislikes doing chore requests."

Am I supposed to master speed reading?

The receptionist-san flipped through the request forms and suddenly stopped the hand.

"How about this? The church has asked to clean the graveyard."

"Which one? It has a reward of 8,000 gold. It's a pretty good request!"

"Because the church is quite well in that area."

"So I’ll choose this request!"

Thus I headed to the church on the outskirts of town. 

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