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Chapter 25: Preparation

"...  No way would have I thought that I would summon her myself." On the way back from the guild. I muttered in a faint voice so that Nino-san and Rouga-san wouldn't hear me. --If you tell her that someone here knows about Noah's whereabouts, Sword Saintess Liza will surely come to this city. When I took out "something" and told him so, the master said he would contact her, with a suspicious look. Probably, he thought it would be troublesome to get involved. The master dared not ask me the source of the information. Anyway, this will definitely move nee-san. Even though she usually gives physical punishment, in these kinds of situations she tends to be overprotective. Maybe, it's because she thinks I'm her property or something... "Now, the grace period is about two weeks." The guild should have arranged for a fast carriage for her nee-san. In that case, you can move from Winster to here in about two weeks. In the meantime, I have to manag

Chapter 24: Nee-san and Information Merchant

It's been about a month and a half since Noah left his parents' house. The sisters were trying hard to find him, each using their own connections. However, the results were not as good as expected. Finding a human being on this vast continent is difficult even with the power of the sisters. "That person called Noah may not even be in this country anymore." A bar at the end of the royal capital. Liza was facing a certain man there, where the smell of cheap sake could be found even from daytime. The man's name is Argus. He is the most skilled information merchant in the royal capital of Winster, one of the largest cities in the world. He is a former adventurer who has known Liza for a very long time. "About a month and a half ago, I was informed that a man with similar characteristics to Noah got on a carriage bound for the south. Perhaps he changed another carriage from there and went out of the country." "Hmm...! Do you mean that he has left for the

Apologies For the Delay

 Dear Readers, Due to personal circumstances in my real life, I couldn't translate any chapters. But now things have become somewhat manageable, so I'll be continuing my translation journey. Best Regards, SD's Translations

Chapter 23: Circumstances

"It has become a bad thing..." The Guild Master's face clouded immediately when he received a report from me and Nino-san. The appearance of the demons is probably a big event. A deep wrinkle is drawn between the eyebrows, and a big big sigh spills. "Just what happened? For there to be a hole in a corner of the town." "Maybe there was a base for the demons underground. There had been undead in that graveyard before, but it can be explained if you think that it is the effect of the overflow of miasma from below." Miasma affects and erodes everything. It was no wonder that the miasma accumulated deep underground eroded to the vicinity of the ground over many years. "I see... The demons fled because the investigation team stepped into the facility." "Ah. You said you heard something like an explosion before the hole was made?" "Yes, several times." "The demons who were cornered probably blasted the facility. Unexpectedly

Chapter 22: That Which Appeared From the Basement

"Ugh! I feel sick!" A vast graveyard behind the church. The place, which should have been cleansed with light magic, was invaded by miasma. What on earth and how can this happen in just a few days? No matter how much it is a graveyard, it shouldn't be possible to get such an amount of miasma in such a short period of time... "Sanctuary!" I immediately expand the sanctuary and protect us from miasma. Something like a white film covered the surroundings of the three of us. The lilac-colored miasma that had been trapped in the surroundings was immediately extinguished. "This should prevent it for a while." "We are saved, but why is the miasma acting up again..." "Maybe it has something to do with the waterways." "But... oh!?" The ground shook again. --Don, Don! An explosion sound similar to lightning echoes from the bottom of the earth. Periodic and small vibrations that pushes up the ground. As expected, this is unlikely to

Chapter 21: Return and Crisis

"I was wondering what would happen at one point, but I'm glad it worked out in the end!" On the way back from the Pantanel Marsh. Rouga-san laughed vigorously while walking on the road which takes us out of the forest. Judging from the results, it could be said that this request was a great success. Magma Titus is included with the four Rock Titus. According to Rouga-san, even if you deduct the amount given to Berg-san, it will be close to 2 million gold. Even if you divide it by three people, it's a good amount of money for a single day's work. "How is it, Sieg. Can't we go to the Waterway Street together this time? With this much money we can go to a really good store." "Rouga, isn't it time for you to graduate from playing with women? That's why you end up dividing the ale with water." Dividing ale, which originally has a low strength, with water is almost all water... When I look like I am about to give, Rouga-san says while gla

Chapter 20: The Fusion of Magic and Sword Techniques

"Guohhh." A flock of Rock Titus' rushing in with a roar that didn't sound like a turtle. Their movement was so fast that it also didn't look like a turtle's movement. From the other side of the fog, a huge body that looked like a small mountain with golden eyes approached. "Ku! It's quite heavy!" Rouga-san, who stood in front of the party, took the the enemy's bite attack. As expected of an B-rank adventurer. With the huge shield in his hand, the heads of the Rock Titus' which were charging through are repelled. However, as the number of enemies gathering increases, it becomes more difficult. "It is here! Ha." Nino-san throws a shuriken to support Rouga-san. Is she using special throwing techniques? The black blade draws an endless trajectory as if it were being manipulated with a string. Kan, Kan, Kan! An attack hits the shell of a Titus and makes a metallic sound. Apparently, these guys are big but not smart. They couldn't