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Chapter 23: Circumstances

"It has become a bad thing..."

The Guild Master's face clouded immediately when he received a report from me and Nino-san.
The appearance of the demons is probably a big event.
A deep wrinkle is drawn between the eyebrows, and a big big sigh spills.

"Just what happened? For there to be a hole in a corner of the town."
"Maybe there was a base for the demons underground. There had been undead in that graveyard before, but it can be explained if you think that it is the effect of the overflow of miasma from below."

Miasma affects and erodes everything.
It was no wonder that the miasma accumulated deep underground eroded to the vicinity of the ground over many years.

"I see... The demons fled because the investigation team stepped into the facility."
"Ah. You said you heard something like an explosion before the hole was made?"
"Yes, several times."
"The demons who were cornered probably blasted the facility. Unexpectedly, the hole made by the blast led to the outside, so they just escaped from there."

It's just a guess, but I more or less understood the overview of the case.
The miasma that overflowed the entire underground waterway may have been created from the facility.
The appearance of a Dragon Zombie can be explained by thinking that it was a gatekeeper to prevent people from going into the facility.

"But then why was Onee-sama taken away for? I don't think the winged demons needed hostages to escape, and no matter how good the expedition was it's hard to imagine that the demons were cornered so easily. "
"For that, I have to wait for the investigation team to come back. It's about time because they'll be able to escape from the demon's hole."
"Master, excuse me!"

Should it be said that if you make a rumor, it will cast a shadow?
The receptionist-san came into the room and interrupted master's words.
Behind her is Rouga-san and another unfamiliar male adventurer.
The man, who looks like he was in his mid-twenties, wore fairly good equipment.
Is it the same rank as Rouga-san, no, a higher rank?

"Oh! Shrine, are you ok?"
"Yes, somehow. There is nothing wrong with the lives of the members other than me, except for Kurta-san, who was taken away. However, because I needed medical treatment, I am now focusing myself on that."

Apparently, this person named Shrine was the captain of the investigation team dispatched to the underground waterway.
He doesn't mind us and explains the situation to the master.
The content was largely as the Master and we inferred.
After all, it became clear that the facility in the basement seemed to be some kind of research institute.

"What on earth was that demon studying there in the underground...?"
"Up to that point, I think it was about ghost magic, because it was a demon who used a lot of undead."
"... It seems certain that the research is not for a good cause."
"Later, I'll send someone who is familiar with psychic magic to investigate. The problem is the rescue of Kurta-san."

Master groans with his arms folded.
Immediately, Shrine-san tells.

"The enemy is quite strong. This time he withdrew from the other side, thus I was able to avoid total annihilation... But if I continued to fight as it was, I couldn't have avoided my defeat."
"Even if you collect that many elites together?"
"Yes. If you want to defeat him, you'll need an S-rank adventurer."

Shrine-san makes a clear statement.
Even him who's most likely an A-rank adventurer, to admit defeat once and for all.
That proves that the demon is a mighty existence.
In fact, even though it was a miss, it was able to prevent Nino-san's attacks with almost no guard.

"Is it an S rank... I've made a request to that person in advance, but... that person is being really slow."
"Perhaps, by that person, do you mean the Sword Saintess, Liza?"
"Yes, exactly."

Did he mean my nee-san!!!
The name of my nee-san that suddenly appeared made me irresistibly spurt out.
Certainly, if you're nee-san... it's a force comparable to an S-rank adventurer.
No, it may be a lot stronger than that.
Kensei is the strongest title inherited only by those who win the Great Sword God Festival once every four years.
It shows that she has stood at the top of thousands of fierce men from all over the world.

"Usually, when we make such a request, she will come to help right away... I heard that there were various things going in her family. I heard that it will take a while."
"In that case, we have no choice but to call the other S-rank adventurers."
"Humu. We don't even know where she was taken away. Let's wait for the elite personnel to be ready."
"Wait a minute! If it's a place, if it's a place, I'll know it right away!"

That said, Nino-san took out an instrument like a compass from her pocket.
She points to the needle and explains desperately.

"I set up an detection magic on the amulet I gave to Onee-sama! So you can use this device to chase right away!"
"Oi, Oi... When we thought you were acting suspicious, you did that? I'm not really impressed."
"Nino-san, about that.... But this time it has helped us."
"But... we still don't have enough strength to chase. Now that most of the members of the investigation team have been defeated, it's impossible to create more strength than that."

Master shakes his head without force.
Remorse oozes out on his face, but at the same time there is a strong rejection.
As someone in charge of the guild's branch, he has clearly stated that it cannot be done.

"Then I'll go alone! I will rescue Onee-sama!"
"Not good! What can you do alone!"

Nino-san bites her lips and regret shows on her face.
Her expression looks fierce, and just looking at it makes my chest painful.
Nino-sans's feelings for Kurta-san do not seem to fit into mere admiration.
As expected, I'd like to do something about it...

"I'll accompany Nino-san. Kurta-san did take care of me at the special examination."
"... I indeed believe your talented, but it's too reckless. It's not always the case that the demon will not return to the city, and it's a problem to lose the strength in the event of an emergency!"
"It's okay. Instead, I'll teach you about the method of Kensei as soon as I come back."
"What? Really?"

Master gets up from the chair and is surprised.
I took something out of my pocket and showed it to him.
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