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Chapter 24: Nee-san and Information Merchant

It's been about a month and a half since Noah left his parents' house.
The sisters were trying hard to find him, each using their own connections.
However, the results were not as good as expected.
Finding a human being on this vast continent is difficult even with the power of the sisters.

"That person called Noah may not even be in this country anymore."

A bar at the end of the royal capital.
Liza was facing a certain man there, where the smell of cheap sake could be found even from daytime.
The man's name is Argus.
He is the most skilled information merchant in the royal capital of Winster, one of the largest cities in the world.
He is a former adventurer who has known Liza for a very long time.

"About a month and a half ago, I was informed that a man with similar characteristics to Noah got on a carriage bound for the south. Perhaps he changed another carriage from there and went out of the country."
"Hmm...! Do you mean that he has left for the royal capital right after he left home?"
"No, it seems that he was staying in the downtown area of ​​the royal capital on the first day. I got information that a person with similar characteristics stayed at an inn. I think he had carefully planned which route to take and where to go first. "

With that said, Argus gulped down the ale that was poured into the glass.
He was told that Noah, who had fled from his house, was Liza's younger brother.
However, when I actually see the behaviour of him, it is an ingenious behaviour that does not resemble to Liza at all.
As an information merchant, he knew long ago that the swordswoman in front of him was a muscle-brain.

"Did Aeria-nee-san's teaching backfire?"
"Speaking of Aeria, is she the one who leads Fiore?"
"That's right. Most of the lectures other than Noah's magic were taken care of by Aeria-neesan. Recently, he was only giving assignments, but before, he was taught exactly five days a week. "
"Oi, Oi, to be taught directly by that chairman, I am quite surprised. Do you know how much that person's the study session and participation fee is worth?"
"... I don't know. How much is it?"

From the tone of Argus, Liza can guess that it is reasonably expensive.
However, she had no idea about the specific amount.
In the first place, Liza is someone who does not like classroom lectures at all.
She is a person who wouldn't want to go even if she got money instead of paying for study sessions.

"Roughly a million gold, a million gold."
"What, it isn't a big deal, is it? I got about 100 million from the dragon subjugation the other day!"
"That's just Liza's income being too much. One million is enough to live in this royal capital for three months."
"Mu! That's amazing!"

Liza is surprised that someone will pay so much to study.
Argus sighs at her when her eyes opened wide.

"... That's right. Does that mean that Noah is a smart person with a proper education?"
"Oh, that's right."
"With that, it's going to be even harder to find him. To find him it's going to be bone-breakingly difficult."

With that said, Argus silently extended his hand in front of Liza.
Liza then looks around the top of the table and placed the fruit in front of her in his hand.

"... No, it doesn't mean that."
"It's money, money! Please guess correctly!"
"If it's that, tell me that clearly, and how much do you want?"
"If you want to me to expand the scope of my search out of the country, we want a thousand."
"Alright, that's okay."

Liza took out the platinum coin from her wallet without hesitation.
It's a high-priced coin worth a million gold.
Argus, as expected, also looked surprised at it when it was presented so easily.
In his experience, this was the first client to pay so easily.

"... I can't accept all of them so quickly. First, I'll accept 500 in advance."
"Is it okay?"
"I can't accept them all so quickly."
"I can afford to pay more."
"Even if you give me money, it's not like I can surely find him, alright?"

Argus immediately refuses to the Liza who seems to have misunderstood.
He will be troubled if he was asked to find him for sure because he was given him the money.
The difficulty of this job is difficult even with his skill as the kingdom's best.

"Well, then it can't be helped."
"Then, I'm about to go. I have to get to work right away."
"I'll also be going home too."

As Liza got out of the bar, a girl called out to her.
She seems to be an employee of the Adventurer's Guild because she is wearing a uniform.
--Did I get a request again?
There was a deep wrinkle between Liza's eyebrows.
A few days ago, when I declined a request from a remote city, the Adventurer's Guild was quite persistent.

"You're Sword Saintess Liza, right? I'm Amy from the Adventurer's Guild Royal Capital Branch."
"Indeed, I'm Liza. So for what purpose have you come here? It should have been quite difficult to find me?"

Liza, then with her best behaviour, asks while maintaining the dignity of a Sword Saintess.
Amy then corrects her posture and says with eyes that looked like it all relied on Liza.

"The Raja branch has contacted me again. The situation has deteriorated and they really want Liza-sama to come."
"If that's the case, I should have declined the other day. I'm having a problem right now and can't leave this city."
"The other party is said to pay 100 million."
"I'm sorry, but it doesn't mean much to me."

Shaking off her hand to stop her, Liza tried to leave.
But then, Amy says something unexpected.

"Liza-sama, wait a minute! Actually, we have a story about your younger brother who you are looking for."
"…………What does it mean?"
"It seems that a person who knows the whereabouts of Liza-sama's younger brother-sama has appeared in the Raja branch."
"Is that true?"

Liza then asks with a voice that intimidates.
Under the pressure of the strongest swordswoman, Amy nods while her face paled.

"Oh, I swear it's not a lie ..."
"Yes, then I have to go."
"... Thank you! We will arrange a fast carriage right away!"
"No, that will take too much time."

Amy tilts her head to Liza's words.
The fast carriage owned by the Adventurer's Guild is probably the fastest transportation on the continent.
If you want faster than this, you have no choice but to tame a flying dragon for riding.
Only the Knights of the Great Powers' Glider can do that.

"Maybe, you have a flying dragon?"
"No. Most of the time, it's not suitable for long-distance travel because it's exhausted soon."
"Then, how do you plan to get to Raja?"
"I have legs. I'll just have to run."

With that said, Liza bent and stretched lightly to loosen her body.
She leaves the confused Amy and starts running.
Her speed was tremendous, and she quickly disappeared across the street.

"This is a light 2,000 km from this town to Raja...!"

Amy mutters stunned.
The common sense of the general public did not seem to apply to the Sword Saintess Liza anymore.
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