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Chapter 25: Preparation

"...  No way would have I thought that I would summon her myself."

On the way back from the guild.
I muttered in a faint voice so that Nino-san and Rouga-san wouldn't hear me.
--If you tell her that someone here knows about Noah's whereabouts, Sword Saintess Liza will surely come to this city.
When I took out "something" and told him so, the master said he would contact her, with a suspicious look.
Probably, he thought it would be troublesome to get involved.
The master dared not ask me the source of the information.

Anyway, this will definitely move nee-san.
Even though she usually gives physical punishment, in these kinds of situations she tends to be overprotective.
Maybe, it's because she thinks I'm her property or something...

"Now, the grace period is about two weeks."

The guild should have arranged for a fast carriage for her nee-san.
In that case, you can move from Winster to here in about two weeks.
In the meantime, I have to manage the incident and leave this city otherwise nee-san might catch up with me.
It's not that I can't afford to take it easy, but if I get injured, I may not have enough time.

"I'm sorry. It seems that I've cut off an important hand..."

Nino-san apologizes immediately after seeing my serious atmosphere.
Originally, it was because she appealed for Kurta-san's early rescue.
However, this wouldn't really matter anymore.
Even for me, it's really difficult for me to fall asleep knowing that Kurta-san's in danger.
I didn't want to wait leniently until the guild was ready.

"It doesn't matter. I am also acquainted Kurta-san."
"Thank you. I will definitely repay for this favour one day."
"You don't have to be that formal. Rather than me, I think you need to be more thankful to Rouga-san, right?"

Rouga-san was not supposed to join the rescue operation of Kurta-san this time.
He volunteered to participate because I and Nino-san wouldn't have enough defence.

"Well, I'm like the guardian of this person."
"It's not that kind of relationship. It's just an undesirable but inseparable relationship."

Rouga-san nods while folding his arms.
Nino-san poked his side with her elbow to protest.
Immediately, Rouga-san looks at Nino-san with a troubled face.

"Hey, who taught you the basics of being an adventurer?"
"To keep saying the past on and on for forever is the beginning of gerontocracy."
"It's rude to call it gerontocracy! I'm still a lively old man!"

The two people started arguing as usual.
Though this situation looks like this, on the contrary, you start to feel relieved.
However, I don't want to have an endless quarrel, so I immediately interrupt the both of them.

"Let's say that after arriving at the inn. It's about time, what inn are the both of you staying at?"
"It should be around here."
"Oh, that signboard!"

With that said, Nino-san pointed to a large two-story inn.
It may be at a scale that it can be called a hotel.
As expected of high-ranked adventurers, it seems that they usually stay at good inns.
With my current earnings, it may be a little out of hand.

When I told the receptionist to add more people, I was invited to the room where Nino-san and Rouga-san stayed.
This is to discuss the Kurta-san's rescue operation from now.
I chose their room instead of my room because it's bigger and more comfortable.

"Well ... What are we going to discuss for the time being?"
"For the time being, let's discuss where Kurta-san is? Nino-san, please tell me."
"I'll show you a map, so please wait a moment."

A rucksack was placed on the edge of the room.
From that, Nino-san took out a map of around Raja.
And she points her finger to the upper left, that is, the forest area in the northwest.

"In the forest of boundaries?"
"It's a little different. Is this.. the forest of evil spirits?"

Somehow, a very nasty name came out.
As expected, do demons still want to live in those kinds of lands?

"There must have been an old abandoned mansion in this forest. The demon may be based there."
"I see, it's quite possible."
"There were a lot of mysterious experimental devices there. Maybe it's going to do something to my onee-sama there..."

Nino-san makes a stiff face.
If it's are an A-rank adventurer, it will be of great value as an experimental material.
The reason why the demons took Kurta-san was a mystery, but now I kind of understand their reasoning.

"It's a horrifying story. I don't know what would happen to Kurta-san if she's used as the demons' experimental materials."
"Yes, we have to rescue her soon!"
"But I can't read the enemy's strength. My opponent is a ghost mage who can create dragon zombies. Maybe it's building an undead army by now."
"Undead are relatively easy to make in numbers."

If the enemy demons possess a wealth of materials, including dragon bones.
Depending on the number, it could be a major obstacle to the rescue operation.

"After all, there is no choice but to launch a surprise attack early. If we avoid engaging with the enemy as much as possible, we may have a chance to win."
"I guess there's no other way but even so if we can get more helpers..."
"It can't be helped. Adventurers can't leave the town anymore, given the potential for enemies to attack."

Currently, adventurers of rank C or higher are being told to wait in the guild as an urgent request.
This is to protect the city in the unlikely event that the demons attack by the time Liza-neesan arrives.
As long as the enemy's strength is unknown, we cannot move them poorly.
Originally, Rouga-san's accompaniment was also subtly approved.

"... Hmm? Is it a visitor?"

While we are in a discussion, the door was suddenly knocked.
Who could it be at this kind of time?
When I slowly open the door, beyond that was--.


Sister-san, carrying a tremendous amount of luggage, stood there with a determined face.
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