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Chapter 3: Unexpected Suggestion

"Even if you ask me who I am..."

When I was asked such an unexpected question, I didn't know how to answer.

Why are they so surprised at me showing the goblin materials?

With this kind of monster, even an amateur can defeat it without getting hurt.

"I'm just an amateur who just learned some swordsmanship and magic."

"No, no, no! The goblin material you took out is all of the high-grade species!"

The materials I brought in were for five monsters in all.

Four of them were High Goblins, and one was a Goblin General.

High Goblin is equivalent to D rank, and Goblin General is equivalent to C rank.

It seems to be very difficult to defeat such monsters alone unless you are an adventurer of B rank class.

"Speaking of B rank, it is a class that is called first-class! Is it that Sieg-san used to be a knight somewhere?"

"There is no such thing."

"Well, maybe ..."

The receptionist looked at me with a suspicious look.

At this point, she confirmed the letter of introduction that I had just given.

"Um …'You'd be surprised by the high-class materials he brought, but I can vouch for him, that they all were defeated by himself.' ... I see, it seems that you were expecting such a situation."

After checking the signature on the back, the receptionist made a look as if she was convinced now.

As Orto-san himself said, the relationship between him and the Adventurers' Guild seems to be deep.

The sharp look in the receptionist's eyes quickly relaxed.

"If Orto-san says it, it should be true, then this is ... Sieg-san, can you wait a moment here?"

"Eh.., yes. I don't mind."

The receptionist-san walks away hurriedly.

Now what am I supposed to do?

Left alone in the warehouse, I wait for a while while looking around the room.

This place is called the Adventurer's Holy Land, and the various materials that were stored in this warehouse is proof of that.

It's hard to get tired of just looking at them.

"Are you, is the one called Sieg, you?"


While I was absorbed in looking at the materials, someone suddenly spoke to me.

Damn it, I didn't notice it!

When I looked back in a hurry, standing behind me there was a muscular man who looked like a huge rock.

He looked like he was over forty years old.

At first glance, his appearance looks sloppy, but there certainly is some kind of presence around him.

"Yes, I'm Sieg."

"I see. I'm Abelto, the person who is working as master of this branch."

...... A big person suddenly came out!

The me that was surprised, opened my eyes widely.

Perhaps sensing my confusion, the receptionist-san who was waiting near Abelto-san, immediately explained.

"I had a question about Sieg-sama's application that I wanted to consult with. That’s why I called him."

"Eh? Was there any problem?"

"No, that’s not it. However, it seems that Sieg-sama’s ability is quite high, so I would like to suggest Sieg-sama to take a special test."

Special test?

Somehow, it's become a very serious issue.

It seems that the material I brought in was the cause, but were those monsters so strong….?

From a normal point of view, it was indeed stronger than a normal goblin.

"The special test is a system that knights and mercenaries with a capable record use when they join the guild. If they have a practice battle against the examiner and get a certain grade or more, they can start from D rank. ''

"It's quite difficult, but I think that Sieg-sama can pass without problems. How about it, would you accept the test?"

"Are there any disadvantages of accepting the test?"

"No, there aren’t. If you actually receive a D rank request and feel that you are lacking in ability, you can change and receive a lower rank request."

The receptionist-san replied promptly.

If it’s like that, there is no reason not to take the exam.

As an adventurer, it's always best to go up the ranks.

"Then, please do so. Thank you!"

"Yes! The test will be held tomorrow! Please be in good physical condition and visit the guild."


After that, when I received the money for the materials, I left the guild.

As for the money, four high goblins are worth 400,000 gold, and one goblin general is worth 500,000 gold.

In total, it became 900,000 gold.

I wonder if I can live with just this for three months?

The funds that I brought out of my house for travelling are getting empty, and this additional funds is much appreciated.

"But, am I surprisingly strong...?"

I remember the days when Liza-neesan beat me up.

I myself thought I was weak, and Liza-neesan also said it.

--You have no talent for swordplay.

But as far as I can see from the reactions of the guild people and Orto-san, I don't think so.

"Maybe, what nee-san said was wrong? No, probably not."

While pondering, I arrived at a place that has lots of inns.

Tomorrow there is an important special test, and even if little, I have to get some rest.

I was a little excited, and stayed at an expensive inn that I wouldn't normally stay at, and greeted the morning.
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